6 years ago
VElf - Can't Get To Vashj'ir.
Boosted 110 Vold-Elf.

Trying to do Elder of Cataclysm. Only have Elder Moonlance in Vashj'ir left to do so as I have used the other Cata Ports in SW I clicked on the Vashj'ir one and... nothing.

Oh ofc, I remember pre-quests. I fly off to have a look at the Hero's Call Board in the Dwarven District but it just says "There is nothing interesting posted here right now". I go over to the board in Trade District but it say's the same thing.

Went back to the portals in SW and spoke to Naraat the Earthspeaker and did the quests 'The Eye of the Storm/The Maelstrom/Deepholm, Realm of Earth and The Call of the World-Shaman'. Naraat has no more quests for me. No 'Into the Abyss' or 'To the Depths'.

Went down to the Harbor to find Recruiter Burns, not phazed so I can't find him.
Edited by Darway 17/02/2018 21:45
Customer Service
6 years ago
VElf - Can't Get To Vashj'ir.
Happy to see this is sorted.

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