5 years ago
Flying in Draenor

I am currently trying hard to get draenor flying and one part as you probably know yourself is complete quest line in the areas. I have done shadowmoon, Talador gorgrond and just finished nagrand. But now i dont have any quests to do?
I havent done / maybe done a couple of the garrison quests. Do i have to do them or am i missing something?
Thanks in advance.
5 years ago
Flying in Draenor
Hi Cattell,

I would strongly recommend to check your progress for example here.
Also link to your paladin.
At the top of the website you have the Legion part, yet when you scroll down the Draenor Pathfinder requirements are listed.

The Garrison quests that Papudeath mentioned are the daily assault quests for the Securing Draenor part. This part may take a while unless you will use the Scouting Missives to speed it up.

Good luck!
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