5 years ago
Unable to start mage tower quests?
Hello, ive not long returned to wow and i would like to do the mage tower prepatch. However i feel pretty silly as for the life of me i cannot work out what im missing to allow me to start the challenges. i did some of the broken shore when i first returned then headed off to Argus. could someone give me a ELI5 answer please? if im missing a quest or something could you please provide a link to it? <3

When i talk to war councilor victoria i only see this message: https://ibb.co/hWkcu8

This is the current state of my artifact (druid tank)

Many thanks for any help!
5 years ago
Unable to start mage tower quests?
The quests that are needed for each spec to unlock the Mage Tower are different. The link that Annemarie, posted above will help you out a great deal if you are not sure which questline your class/spec has to follow!
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