5 years ago
didn't get 1000 essences
so you were supposed to get 1000 essences out of the grand challenger bounty chest but when I went to open it with my 110 level druid, it was there but it said there was no loot in it and after that the chest disappeared. I really would've appreciated that one free legendary.
Edited by Lolorc 21/07/2018 21:09
5 years ago
didn't get 1000 essences
When you open the Weekly Chest but don't loot the items, they are sent via the mailbox.
For a Currency like the Essences, you will get a mail telling you there's currency recovered for your character but after reading this you need to log out and back into that character for the game to push the currency to you.

Quick relog and you'll see it in your chat window :)
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