5 years ago
Bloodwing Bonepicker WQ
The broken quest of the day seems to be the Bloodwing Bonepicker.

The star shows up on the map, but no-one is able to interact with the eggs.
There have been reports of this on wowhead and on the US forums, so I am just giving a heads up that it is also broken on EU.
Edited by Gwenäelle 07/09/2018 11:27
5 years ago
Bloodwing Bonepicker WQ
Thanks for the heads-up, Gwenäelle. Could you make sure to also bug-report this directly in-game? You can do that via the Bug Report option after clicking the red question mark.
That way our Development Teams gets another report on it as well. :)

In the meantime, you may still be able to join a party or some friends on another realm to be temporarily transferred over there to complete the World Quest.

Good luck!
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