5 years ago
Zandalari Still not Nerfed

So, it has been multiple weeks since the racials came out and everyone assured me that the troll racials were so OP they would “obviously” be nerfed.

I am still waiting…

Not only is regeneratin’ extremely OP…but the LoA blessing is also very OP.

Take Embrace of Bwonsamdi (Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal [Attack power * 0.25 * 1 * (1 + Versatility)] Shadow damage and heal you for 100% of the damage done.)

Compare this to the Night Elf racial of 1% to crit…yeah.

Blizz. You don’t have much time left. Show us that you are not completely inept and nerf Zandalari racials already.

5 years ago
Zandalari Still not Nerfed

I’ve been following this subject quite closely throughout this PTR.

While I don’t think you’re going to see changes in the very next PTR build (coming … you know – “Soon”), I do think you’re going to see some further tuning in a PTR build after that.

I would usually move a thread like this one over to the PTR forum, but I think I’ll leave it here with this: As soon as I know exactly what’s been changed for testing, I’ll post about it in the PTR forum.

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