8 years ago
New National Holiday
I designate today as National Punt a Gnome Day, go ahead and get out there and make the world a better place.
Community Manager
8 years ago
New National Holiday
Paging Bornakk.
Community Manager
8 years ago
New National Holiday
I read this and I feel.... home.
Community Manager
8 years ago
New National Holiday
03/15/2016 04:39 PMPosted by Lennox
03/15/2016 04:38 PMPosted by Bornakk
I read this and I feel.... home.

You are still here?

Rest in RIP in peace.
Community Manager
8 years ago
New National Holiday
03/15/2016 04:52 PMPosted by Jerauld
03/15/2016 04:36 PMPosted by Kaivax
Paging Bornakk.

You still have a pager? why?

It's only $49 / month from Motorola and they gave me a sweet belt clip!
Community Manager
8 years ago
New National Holiday
03/15/2016 06:23 PMPosted by Vixie
03/15/2016 05:16 PMPosted by Kaivax

It's only $49 / month from Motorola and they gave me a sweet belt clip!

You guys really need to put in an Upvote button on blue posts. No down, just up.

Your wack, so absurd, too funny.

You know... I never would've given this more than a passing thought. Then one day, I summoned BORNAKK to the forums. And he posted. And it was glorious.

I'm so proud.
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