6 years ago
Protection Paladin T21 2pc/4pc

Some feedback in regards to the T21 2pc and 4pc for Prot Paladins.

For this feedback I am assuming Judgement (with haste) has a 4 second CD and an average crit from 500k-700k. Also, the assumption is to use Judgement on CD.

2pc: 15% of 500-700k every 4 seconds = 75k - 105k. Thats 18.7k- 26k hps.
-At 6million health, that equates to 0.4% HPS. This seems extremely low, and has no damage mitigation synergy.

4pc: With a 2 sec ICD on Judgement damage increase stacks, and using Judgement on CD, that equates to 4% damage boost per Judgement. Again, no damage mitigation synergy, and a 4% increase to the 15% healing of Judgement is such a small number (.013% increase overall to hps if I mathed properly). Also, you can only get the buff from "blocked" attacks. Assuming only "white" hits are blockable by a Paladin, and Paladins dont generally have high block like warriors, the probability of getting 2-3 stacks per Judgement rotation is not that high (with a 1.5 second boss swing timer)

Not using Judgement to stack the damage bonus is a defensive loss (J into SOTR cd reduction). Also, Judgement procs Grand Crusader.

Thanks for shedding some light on this interesting T21 bonuses for Prot Paladins.
Game Designer
6 years ago
Protection Paladin T21 2pc/4pc
In the next PTR build you get, your 2p and 4p bonuses have been changed.
Game Designer
6 years ago
Protection Paladin T21 2pc/4pc
07/27/2017 06:01 PMPosted by Towelliee
07/27/2017 01:14 PMPosted by Nimox
In the next PTR build you get, your 2p and 4p bonuses have been changed.

By any chance are we getting a change to our active mitigation in 7.3 to address the downtime and gaps in our shield of the righteous compared to other tanks active mitigation?

The current plan for the new set bonus, numbers are not final:

2p - Block chance increased by 10% (additive).
4p - when you are not affected by Shield of the Righteous, the effect of the 2p is increased by 100%.

I don't have any information to share regarding active mitigation plans for any of the tank specs. I'm just commenting about the set bonuses.
Game Designer
6 years ago
Protection Paladin T21 2pc/4pc
The goal of a set bonus is not to "fix" all of the potential weaknesses of a spec.
If you have concerns with the base toolkit of a class, that's totally fine, but is not something I am going to resolve or comment on in a thread specifically about set bonuses. You are better off starting, or adding onto, a thread in the Class Development forum.
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