5 years ago
Thoughts On Latest Q&A From A Software Engineer
1. You guys decided to literally run a single process to execute a change to each and every single guild on a realm as the first person logged in?

- Are you kidding? Who thought that was a great idea? That's stupid as hell. Linux people will know exactly what I mean.

2. The stat-squish was done manually by hand and as such, involved human error. Future systems will be automatic and avoid such errors

- Dude, really?

Seriously. Who is the engineer who came up with these two ideas? They're stupid. Borderline brain dead.
Community Manager
5 years ago
Thoughts On Latest Q&A From A Software Engineer
07/19/2018 01:16 PMPosted by Lagspike

Edited by Ornyx 07/19/2018 08:18 PM
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