5 years ago
Favorite Forum Rebuttals/Punchlines
No naming other players, basic description of the conversation.

For my my personal favorite was in one post I told a guy that raider.io was great for a competency check. They said get off your high horse...

I told them least I have my high horse (Invincible)!
5 years ago
Favorite Forum Rebuttals/Punchlines
05/23/2017 10:03 AMPosted by Ornyx
I assume you're trying to make a joke about content, because, looking at your Armory, it appears you've only engaged with about 25% of Legion.

or the classic Eyonix:
"You're full of incorrect assumptions. Please log off the internet. :)"
Edited by Ythisens 10/29/2018 07:21 PM
Currently Ranked: Fluff