4 years ago
Confused about Conflict and Strife acquisition

The tool tip for Conflict and Strife says that you need to get conquest cap to get rank one and for rank two you need 1k rating. I hit 1k rating before getting conquest cap so shouldn’t that allow me to skip straight to rank two?

I pose this question because I only got rank one in my pvp chest and from my perspective it’s an error.

4 years ago
Confused about Conflict and Strife acquisition

Correct. We had a bug, and we’ve now hotfixed it.

We’re working to address the issue for players who already opened it.

Thank you!

4 years ago
Confused about Conflict and Strife acquisition

The hotfix for this is now live.

4 years ago
Confused about Conflict and Strife acquisition

About five minutes ago, we deployed a fix for the reward side of this. Players who opened their PvP cache earlier should log out and then log back into WoW to trigger the fix.

Thank you!

Currently Ranked: Fluff