5 years ago
PvP Feedback

Can you elaborate on what the best way to provide feedback to the dev team?
I know there are a few mediums, and there are probably a few i'm not aware of. Just looking to find out the best way!

I understand people have discussions on their own respective forums, but I also from a dev's perspective they can (are) full of non-constructive emotive posts (for the most part) I feel like there are quite a few quality of life changes that can be made that will improve this expansion a lot in the short term, and won't affect pve players etc.

Community Manager
5 years ago
PvP Feedback
*blue text*

Hello, Séamanstains!

The absolute best way to communicate with the WoW development team is to post a question or bug report about the games arbitrary features. Seeing as these are the arena forums, some relevant topics warranting blue-post activity might include: PvP battle pet rewards, PvP appearance rewards, and the location of your weekly mythi- uhh i mean PvP chest.

Hope this clears up the issue.


Also, making threads directed at CMs is generally frowned upon. :)
Edited by Ornyx 09/07/2018 01:40 AM
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